MailConnect: DonorPerfect → Mailchimp
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MailConnect integrates DonorPerfect with Mailchimp, enabling nonprofits to craft personalized email campaigns based on donor histories.
This enhances donor engagement and optimizes fundraising by segmenting donor lists for targeted outreach.
The automatic syncing eliminates manual updates, offers insights into donor behaviors, and streamlines event management, ensuring a comprehensive and efficient donor experience.
Follow these steps to install your MailConnect: DonorPerfect → Mailchimp free trial:
Step1: Visit the product page and click on "Start free trial"
Your credit card won't be charged during your 7-day free trial
Please use a valid email. This is the email that will be used to create your account and where we will send you instructions to proceed with the installation.
Check your email for an email from [email protected] with the subject line: "Welcome to APIANT: Your DonorPerfect + Mailchimp Integration Guide" for next steps.
Show blocked popup window if you don't see the Mailchimp login popup
When you first install MailConnect, we automatically map 15 fields from DonorPerfect to Mailchimp to ensure a seamless integration experience. Here are the default field mappings:
Mailchimp Field Label | Mailchimp Mergefield Tag | Mailchimp Field Type | Mailchimp Property Description |
Initial Gift Date | DP_FIELD1 | date | The Initial Gift Date in DonorPerfect |
Last Gift Date | DP_FIELD2 | date | The Last Gift Date in DonorPerfect |
Maximum Gift Date | DP_FIELD3 | date | The Maximum Gift Date in DonorPerfect |
Average Gift Amount | DP_FIELD4 | number | The Average Gift Amount in DonorPerfect |
Gift Total | DP_FIELD5 | number | The Gift Total in DonorPerfect |
Last Contribution Amount | DP_FIELD6 | number | The Last Contribution Amount in DonorPerfect |
Maximum Gift Amount | DP_FIELD7 | number | The Maximum Gift amount in dollars in DonorPerfect |
Number of Gifts | DP_FIELD8 | number | The Number of Gifts in DonorPerfect |
Year-to-date | DP_FIELD9 | number | Fiscal Year-to-date donations in DonorPerfect |
Mobile Phone Number | DP_FIELD10 | phone | The phone number in Mailchimp |
No Email | DP_FIELD11 | radio | The No Email option in DonorPerfect |
No Email Reason | DP_FIELD12 | text | The No Email Reason in DonorPerfect |
Receipt Delivery | DP_FIELD13 | text | The Receipt Delivery in DonorPerfect |
Receipting Preference | DP_FIELD14 | text | The Receipting Preference in DonorPerfect |
Salutation | DP_FIELD15 | text | The Salutation in DonorPerfect |
These default mappings ensure that essential donor data is readily available in Mailchimp for crafting personalized email campaigns. However, if your organization has specific needs, you can customize these mappings to better align with your campaign strategies.
While the default field mappings provide a comprehensive integration experience, we understand that every organization has unique needs. To tailor the field mappings to better suit your campaign strategies, follow these steps:
- Log in to your MailConnect account.
- Navigate to the top right corner of the dashboard and click on your name to access the dropdown menu.
- From the dropdown menu, select Field mappings.
- From the dropdown, select Review and change field mapping.
- Click Get Started.
- A new interface will appear, displaying the current field mappings between DonorPerfect and Mailchimp:
- Review the existing mappings to ensure they align with your organization's needs.
- If you wish to make changes, navigate through the list and adjust the mappings as necessary.
- Click Remove mapping to remove the Mailchimp merge field and stop syncing data for this field between DonorPerfect and Mailchimp:
- Or you can search and select a new default or custom DonorPerfect field to sync with the designated Mailchimp merge field:
Caution: Removing or Changing Field Mappings
When you either remove or change existing field mappings, it's essential to understand the implications:
Any field mapping that is removed or altered will result in the deletion of all previously stored data in Mailchimp associated with that specific mapping if it was synced from DonorPerfect before. In simpler terms, if you had data from DonorPerfect mapped and synced to a particular field in Mailchimp, and you later decide to remove or change that mapping, the data in the corresponding Mailchimp field will be permanently erased.
For instance, if you've been syncing a specific DonorPerfect field to a Mailchimp field for several months and then decide to change or remove that mapping, all the historical data in Mailchimp related to that mapping will be lost.
It's crucial to be aware of the potential consequences of such actions. Before making modifications to your field mappings, we strongly advise reviewing the existing data in both DonorPerfect and Mailchimp. Consider the potential repercussions on your email campaigns and donor communications, and ensure you have backups or alternative data sources if necessary.
- Once you've reviewed and made your desired changes, click on Submit at the bottom of the page:
Before making any changes, it's essential to understand the potential outcomes:
- Unchanged Mappings: If you decide to keep a field mapping as it is, the corresponding merge field in Mailchimp and all its associated member data will remain unchanged and unaffected.
- Removed Mappings: If you choose to remove a field mapping, the related merge field in Mailchimp will be deleted. This action will also result in the removal of all member data associated with that specific field.
- Altered Mappings: Changing a field mapping between DonorPerfect and Mailchimp has a two-step impact. First, the affected Mailchimp merge field will be deleted, leading to the removal of all associated member data within that field. Following this, a new merge field, with the same TAG name, will be created to reflect the updated mapping.
The actions described above, especially the removal and alteration of mappings, result in permanent data loss. Once data is removed, the process is irreversible.
To ensure you fully grasp the implications of potential data loss, please type CHANGE in the text field provided. This confirms your understanding of the consequences of your modifications. After this confirmation, you can proceed by clicking the Change Field Mapping button.
Always ensure you have backed up all vital data before making any changes.
Once the field mapping changes are complete, you will see this message. Click Close: