BOTs - Reference Table
Available from version 4
BOT name | Function | Use case | Mindbody client id |
Zoom Meeting | Triggers Create or update Zoom meeting" automation | For late changes to make sure they are applied right away and/or as backup solution. | apiantzoombot |
Send Client Emails | Triggers "Send client emails" automation. | To resend client emails on demand and/or as backup solution. | apiantsendclientemailsbot |
Send Instructor Email | Triggers "Send instructor email" automation. | To resend instructor email on demand and/or as backup solution. | apiantsendinstructoremailbot |
Send Recording Attendees | Triggers "Send recording" automation. | To send or resend recording link on demand to attendees of Zoom meeting. | apiantsendrecordingattendeesbot |
Send Recording Booked | Triggers "Send recording" automation. | To send or resend recording link on demand to booked clients of your Mindbody class. | apiantsendrecordingbookedbot |
Send Recording No-Shows | Triggers "Send recording" automation. | To send or resend recording link on demand to no-shows (clients not attended the Zoom meeting). | apiantsendrecordingnoshowsbot |
Send SMS | Triggers "Send SMS" automation. | To send or resend SMS notification on demand to clients of your Mindbody class. | apiantsmsbot |
Record Cloud | Triggers "Record meeting" automation. | On demand enable recording of the Zoom meeting into cloud. | apiantrecordcloudbot |
Record Local | Triggers "Record meeting" automation. | On demand enable recording of the Zoom meeting onto your local computer. | apiantrecordlocalbot |