
Reference Table


General settings

Book unpaid attendees back into class

Sign-in back into the Mindbody class the Zoom attendees if they cancelled their booking.

Class id scheme

Must be either 'Single site' or 'Class code' (for multi-site)

Color 1

Hexadecimal color used for the button in the email sent to clients and instructor. Must start with #

Contact email

The 'reply to' email address used when clients reply to Zoom meeting invitation emails with links

Contact name

The company name used in the Zoom meeting invitation email sent to clients

Contact url

The url to your company website

Date format

The date format used in emails and in the Zoom meeting name. Examples: 'ddd, mmmm d', 'mmmm d'

Initialize integration app

Initialize integration app (Read-only setting)

Logo url

Logo used in the custom branded emails

MBO master site id

The master site Mindbody site id

MBO site id

Your Mindbody site id

Meeting creation criteria

The criteria used to decide if a Mindbody class should be a Zoom meeting. Either 'room name' or 'class name'"

Meeting creation criteria contains value

The value of the criteria used to create a zoom meeting

Meeting participant report

Zoom meeting participant report type. Can be 'basic', 'advanced' or 'none'. Basic delivers participant names, emails and ids. Advanced delivers further details like "join time", "leave time" and "duration". Advanced may need a Zoom app re-connect.

Register clients

Add booked Mindbody clients as Zoom registrants (necessary if you want the system to sign them in to Mindbody after the meeting)

Register instructor

Add the instructor as a registrant in Zoom (not a host)

Register shareable client

This option will automatically add a shareable client to the Zoom meeting.

Setting "Allow multiple devices" must be enabled.

Reregister all clients

Reregisters all clients for initial syncing (read-only setting)

Signin clients in mbo

Sign in clients Mindbody. Can be 'attendees', 'booked' or 'none'. 'Attendees' signs only Zoom meeting attendees back in, 'booked' signs all signed up clients from class back in, 'none' disables sign in.

Time format

The time format used in emails. Examples: 'hh:MM tt', 'HH:MM'

Zoom account mapping criteria

Criteria used to map to a licensed Zoom account. Either 'room' or 'instructor'

Zoom meeting creation timing hrs

Hours before a class starts when the Zoom meeting is created

Email settings

Add meeting id in email

Adds the Zoom meeting ID in the email sent to clients

Add password in email

Adds the Zoom password in the email sent to clients

Email notification timing hrs

Hours before the class starts when the emails to clients and instructor will be sent.

Email shareable link

Enables or disables send email for registered shareable link.

Email shareable link txt version

Send the shareable link email as text (no html) version.

Email shareable link to

Email address to send the registered shareable link to.

Email show timezone

Show timezone in emails. Mainly required when having multiple sites/locations in different time zones.

Last email notification check hrs

Amount of time before class starts upon which missing clients will be registered to the Zoom meeting and the join link emails are being sent.

Post email notification timing hrs

Hours after the class has started to still send client email with Zoom join link.

Send cancellation email

Enable or disable sending cancellation email when client cancels booking.

Send ICS in email

Attaches a calendar invite to the email sent to clients

Send instructor start link to contact email

Send a copy of the Zoom start link to the APIANT account contact.

Send start link to instructor

Sends email to the instructor with start link (with this link, the instructor can host the meeting without needing to login the Zoom account)

Send zoom recordings to

Clients the Zoom meeting recordings is sent to. One of 'none', 'booked', 'attendees', or 'no-shows'

Send zoom recordings to instructor

Send the recording link also to the instructor.

SMS Settings

Add meeting id in sms

Adds the Zoom meeting id in the SMS sent to the clients.

Add password in sms

Adds the password in the SMS sent to the clients.

SMS notification

Turns SMS notifications on or off (requires a subscription add-on with Twilio or CM)

SMS notification provider

The name of the SMS provider for sending text messages to clients (requires a subscription add-on with Twilio or CM)

SMS notification timing hrs

Hours before the class starts when SMS are sent to clients and instructor with links to the meeting (requires a subscription add-on)

SMS show duration

Show duration in SMS text.

SMS show timezone

Show timezone in SMS text. Mainly required when having multiple sites/locations in different time zones.

Zoom meeting settings

Allow multiple devices

Enables or disables multiple usage of the same Zoom join link

Auto recording

Automatically record Zoom meetings. One of 'none', 'cloud', or 'local'

Join before host

Clients can join the meeting before the host arrives (first to join will start the meeting and recording if auto record is on)

Mute upon entry

Mute clients as they join the meeting (they can still unmute themselves)

Start video when host joins

Starts the host video automatically

Start video when participant joins

Starts the participant video automatically

Use password

Auto generates a password for the Zoom meeting (embedded in the join button)

Waiting room enabled

Turns on waiting room in Zoom meetings (late arrivals will need to be manually admitted)

Zoom account mappings

Default if not found

Not Zoom' or default email address

Zoom 1

[email protected] (your primary Zoom account email address)

Zoom 2

[email protected] (your secondary Zoom account email address)

Email custom dates

(a dedicated help article can be found here)

Date day Friday

Default English text: Friday

Date day Monday

Default English text: Monday

Date day Saturday

Default English text: Saturday

Date day Sunday

Default English text: Sunday

Date day Thursday

Default English text: Thursday

Date day Tuesday

Default English text: Tuesday

Date day Wednesday

Default English text: Wednesday

Date month April

Default English text: April

Date month August

Default English text: August

Date month December

Default English text: December

Date month February

Default English text: February

Date month January

Default English text: January

Date month July

Default English text: July

Date month June

Default English text: June

Date month March

Default English text: March

Date month May

Default English text: May

Date month November

Default English text: November

Date month October

Default English text: October

Date month September

Default English text: September

Email custom ICS

(a dedicated help article can be found here)

ICS text class

Default English text: Class

ICS text click here join

Default English text: Click here to join the Zoom class

ICS text click here start

Default English text: Click here to start the Zoom class

ICS text instructor

Default English text: Instructor

ICS text when

Default English text: When

Email custom texts

(a dedicated help article can be found here)

Custom email addition cancellation

The custom text below the cancellation information. Default English text: Cancellation policy: Cancellations outside our late cancel window of 2 hours are not charged, cancellations within 2 hours to class start have to be charged.

Custom email addition client

The custom text section below the client join link button. Default English text: If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected] or call us at (215) 712-8083. Enjoy your class!

Custom email addition instructor

The custom text below the instructor start link button. Default English text: Please open the meeting 10 min early. If you need assistance please call us at (215) 712-8083. Enjoy your class!

Custom email addition recording

The custom text below the recording link button. Default English text: This recording is accessible for 48 hrs and will be deleted automatically thereafter. If you need assistance please contact us at [email protected]. Enjoy your class!

Custom email addition shareable

The custom text below the shareable join link button. Default English text: Classpass and Gympass instructions. If you want to keep track of your clients, don't share this link with your clients or they will be able to attend the meeting anonymously without booking a class.

Email text at

Default English text: at

Email text class

Default English text: Class

Email text date

Default English text: date

Email text disclaimer 1

Disclaimer 1 in client email Default English text: This link should not be shared with others; it is unique to you.

Email text disclaimer 2

Disclaimer 2 in client email Default English text: You were sent this email because you registered for this class.

Email text disclaimer 3

Disclaimer 1 in instructor email Default English text: This is a link to start the Zoom meeting. Please don't share it with clients.

Email text disclaimer 4

Disclaimer 2 in instructor email Default English text: You were sent this email because you are scheduled to teach this class.

Email text disclaimer 5

Disclaimer 1 in cancellation email Default English text: This email should not be shared with others; it is unique to you.

Email text disclaimer 6

Disclaimer 2 in cancellation email Default English text: You were sent this email because you cancelled your registration for this class.

Email text disclaimer 7

Disclaimer 1 in recording email Default English text: This link should not be shared with others; it is unique to you.

Email text disclaimer 8

Disclaimer 2 in recording email Default English text: You were sent this email because you registered for this class.

Email text disclaimer 9

Disclaimer 1 meeting participant report email Default English text: You were sent this email because you enabled receiving the Zoom meeting participant report.

Email text find attached report csv

Default English text: Please find your report attached as csv.

Email text has been cancelled

Default English text: has been cancelled

Email text heres the link

Default English text: Here's the link to your Zoom class

Email text heres the recording

Default English text: Here's the recording link to your Zoom class

Email text heres your meeting report

Default English text: Here's your Zoom meeting participant report for

Email text hi

Default English text: Hi

Email text hi end

Default English text: !

Email text identifier

Default English text: identifier

Email text instructor

Default English text: instructor

Email text join link

Default English text: Click here to join

Email text join url

Default English text: Join url

Email text link for

Default English text: Link for

Email text link to start

Default English text: Link to start

Email text meeting id

Default English text: Meeting ID

Email text meeting report

Default English text: Zoom meeting participant report for

Email text min

Default English text: min

Email text name

Default English text: name

Email text on

Default English text: on

Email text password

Default English text: Password

Email text preheader join link

Default English text: Link to join Zoom meeting

Email text preheader shareable link

Default English text: Shareable link to join Zoom meeting

Email text preheader start link

Default English text: Link to start your Zoom meeting

Email text preheader cancellation

Default English text: Registration cancellation Zoom meeting

Email text preheader recording link

Default English text: Recording link to Zoom meeting

Email text preheader meeting report

Default English text: Meeting participant report of Zoom meeting

Email text recording link

Default English text: Click here to watch

Email text recording link for

Default English text: Recording link for

Email text registration cancelled

Default English text: registration cancelled

Email text shareable link for

Default English text: Shareable link for

Email text start link

Default English text: Click here to start the class

Email text time

Default English text: Time

Email text with

Default English text: with

Email text you are teaching

Default English text: You are teaching a Zoom class

Email text your registration for

Default English text: Your registration for