Assembly Editor
Other Assembly Types

Error Handlers


Normally, when a module raises an error the assembly halts execution immediately and reports the module's error mesage.

Error handler assemblies provide a mechanism where a separate assembly can be executed to perform post-processing when a module error occurs.

A common usage for error handler assemblies is to convert a technical error message into a user-friendly one.

Error handler assemblies are created by using the Error Handler Input and Output modules:

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This example error handler just translates test error messages.

To utilize the error handler, place the Error Handler Assign module into an assembly and configure it with the UUID of the error handler assembly:

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To obtain the error handler's UUID, right-click on it in the catalog and choose the Get UUID menu option:

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When the assembly executes, the translated error message from the error handler assembly is returned rather than the original message returned by the module:

Document image

Error handler assemblies can perform any needed post-processing, including making API calls.

If the Error Handler Output module does not return a value, the parent assembly that invoked the error handler will not report an error and continue its processing.

This provides a mechanism where the error handler assembly can decide whether the original error should be suppressed and allow the parent assembly to continue its processing.

Updated 30 Apr 2024
Doc contributor
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