Default Rate Limit
The system can optionally enforce connection-level rate limits for making API calls.
When saving an app assembly, a default rate limit can be defined:
If a positive value is specified, all HTTP Transaction modules and variants such as OAuth Transaction will adhere to the rate limit. This also includes inline JSP code, where the rate limit is automatically applied to the appJSP.getHTTPClient() method.
The rate limit can be applied to either individual connections or as a global rate limit across all accounts and connections in the system using the app:
The 'connection' option means each connection has its own rate limit.
The 'system' option means that the rate limit is applied globally across all user accounts and connections.
The most common reason to use the 'system' option is where the system is using an API protected by an API key, where all user accounts are sharing the same API key that has a rate limit.
When the rate limit is reached, the system pauses until the rate limit threshold is met before making the API call.
System administrators can override the default rate limits for connections at the user account level. See Rate limits