AppConnect Prebuilt Connectors
02B - Updated Class Booking (Instant) - Mindbody → Zapier
This event triggers when a class booking status is updated in Mindbody. The payload provides information about the class session, client details, and updated sign-in status.
- eventId (string) – Identifies the event type (classRosterBookingStatus.updated).
- eventInstanceOrigin (string) – Source identifier for the event.
- eventInstanceOriginationDateTime (string, ISO 8601) – Timestamp when the update occurred.
- eventSchemaVersion (integer) – Version of the event schema.
- messageId (string) – Unique identifier for the message.
- classRosterBookingId (integer) – Unique identifier for the class booking.
- classId (integer) – ID of the class.
- classDateTime (string, ISO 8601) – Scheduled date and time of the class.
- signedInStatus (string) – Client’s updated sign-in status (SignedIn, NotSignedIn, etc.).
- clientId (integer) – Internal Mindbody client ID.
- clientUniqueId (integer) – Unique identifier for the client.
- clientFirstName (string) – Client’s first name.
- clientLastName (string) – Client’s last name.
- clientEmail (string) – Client’s email address.
- clientPhone (string) – Client’s phone number.
- clientPassId (string or null) – ID of the pass used for the booking.
- siteId (integer) – ID of the Mindbody site where the class is held.
- locationId (integer) – ID of the location where the class is held.
- staffId (integer) – ID of the instructor for the class.
- itemId (string or null) – ID of the item related to the booking.
- itemName (string or null) – Name of the item related to the booking.
- itemSiteId (integer or null) – ID of the site associated with the item.
This event ensures that any changes in a client's class booking status—such as sign-in updates—are instantly reflected in Zapier-powered workflows.
Updated 31 Jan 2025

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